The Bermuda Triangle

The Bermuda Triangle

The Bermuda Triangle is the mysterious triangle which baffled a lot of people, observers and journalists . not interested in this triangle of aircraft and ships, it is often enters this Valvred triangle that is missing . It was discovered this triangle seas Christopher Columbus, who reached the triangle until he saw The Compass is not normal and unusual move in a way it was in the year 1492 . Christopher trip will be cited in the future in detail when he entered the Bermuda Triangle in the next articles, God willing .

And follow Alahudt that was recorded in the Bermuda Triangle over the years, as follows :
1 - French ship Rosalie found on 27 August 1840 deserted of passengers but was in good condition Jaddaaa near the island " Nessaw "The sails mounted and passengers were abandoned a few hours ago was not leaking water, and were entertained passengers still intact and those not on board Sui revive Canary bird in a cage almost die of hunger .

2 - Bella British ship , which is considered one of the most important ships that disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle in 1854, when they enter the triangle those who find them, but the wreckage in the sea and to whom there was the survivors of Ccarttha .

3 - ship "Mary Selet" and grandmother ship Dai Wereita free of its crew in 1872 was described ship they found them her case Djida were pitchers coffee warm and Alphenajiel filled with coffee and the toys over the beds and vials Oil above Maker sewing mean, however, that the sea quiet hour disappeared .

4 - Atlanta ship sailed from Bermuda on board 290 sailors and officers and in the year 1880 has disappeared on her way to England without leaving behind trace.

As well as ships Lotta, who disappeared in 1840 and Viego ship disappeared in 1868 and ship Miravon year 1884 . and 1881 disappeared Sloop yen Stone English and then they found without any trace of the crew is in good condition .

And what we have referred to the incidents in the Bermuda Triangle was in previous centuries . Now, talking about the incidents of the twentieth century as follows :

Phraya ship . It is of German citizenship found abandoned Rkaphave October 20 1902 and was in route to Hila has found deserted and devoid of its crew and the agenda of the master open to October 4 , which indicates a disaster've got her after sailing directly It was learned that the wind at the time It was quiet .

"Joshua Slocum" . name of the captain of the most popular and most experienced in the world . disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle in 1909 . And all of this is known the captain knew well Bana Amaher the and seas are feared and has a large aware of the secrets of the sea . However they did not find him any trace in the Bermuda Triangle .

Saiklobs . USS Sichaelox sailed in 1918 from alwest Landis and 309 people on board and was destined for me Norfolk . But failed to reach . Despite intensive research it, but that one did not come up with any trace of them . Did not send ship any distress call .

Carol a. Dereng . Legitimacy of the five-ship masts . They found aground on the coast of Diamond shewals , 1921 all sails, lifted and there was a meal is still on the burner vessel was not only cats and after a thorough search for the crew U.S. government did not find any trace of the members .

Raivuku Maru . Japanese ship her last appeal was in 1925, a (it looked like a dagger. Brought quickly) This is the voice impelled horror through wireless devices (ÇŃĚćßă brought inevitably we will not survive) . And then ended the votes and the silence of the sea . In the meantime, there were other ships hear the sound of distress is surprised by the fact that the atmosphere was quiet . Did not find an impact after that .

Cotopaxi .. Cargo ship disappeared in 1925 on a trip to Havana . Disappeared in unknown circumstances of the sea .

Sadovko . Shipping steamer also disappeared and ship mentioned official announced that it has swallowed up by the great beast in the depths of the sea . No trace of her after that and that was in 1926

Stavanger . Norwegian ship with 43 people on board in the year 1931 .and heading to a Northern Albhamz . The ship disappeared and it did not leave any trace . After extensive search of her . Announced her disappearance mysterious circumstances .

John and Mary .... 1932

To Adhama .... 1935

Gloria kolita of .... 1940

Proteus Neros .... 1941

Rubicon .... 1944

All of these vessels, they found aground on the coast free of crew and passengers . No one knows why the crew and passengers disappear . Although the escape boats still exist on board ships and the presence of personal effects of the crew and passengers . mysterious circumstances surrounding this terrible triangle . What a Hall Egeroe the challenge of this triangle .

Flight 19 . 1945 bellowed 5 aircraft and flew Bojnhatha in the greatest mystery of the flight until that time . journey 19 was registered as a trip routine patrol for a distance of 160 miles and then return directly to the base and estimated flight hours and it was all pilots with experience  The weather was beautiful and Arslo message strange :
Pilot: Watchtower This is an emergency and the speaker's voice was troubled . It seems that we are in the wrong direction . we can not see the ground . I repeat . Do not Ntstia to see the ground.
Zodiac: What's your site
Pilot: We are not able to determine our . Landry's exactly where we are . shows us that we Daúaaan
Zodiac : Turn to the west

Then a long silence dominated the cautious tone in his voice: We do not know in which direction the West . All Shi wrong . strange Ndrioulsena not sure of the trends so the ocean does not seem as it should.

The employee signed the tower in confused and the sun was on the verge of disappearing and will be blocked for the pilots . and time passes quickly tower was to hear the words of the pilots they speak among themselves, they were afraid and confused blame were inseparable Btaúrathm the side on the side .

Were sent aircraft rescue amphibious giant . After a while easy become the plane of the number Mufcodean . then sent planes and ships rose warned huge and began inspections on aircraft and search throughout the night . The next day began the largest search operation of the U.S. Navy and Air Force . 300 aircraft and 21 ships . Ground teams scouring the beaches of the Florida coast . Everyone looking for the lost six aircraft and 27 men . But to no avail . That the Bermuda Triangle is not it .

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