
The Moon
Nearest neighbors Astronauts Elenawe antiquity happened 
much that Abdul rights moon, is the goddess "colors" of the Romans, and "Celine" and "Ertmis" the Greeks, and "Khonsu" the ancient Egyptians, and "age" when the Babylonians

Moon , Closest neighbors Astronauts us, and the only planet in the universe that man was able to drop it and spend some time other than the original planet, which is also inspired poets and lovers There is much that is worth to know him .

Big collision
More scientific theories accepted in the question of how to be the moon, is the theory, which states that the moon may be separated from the ground as a result of collision of a large event between the Earth and another celestial body the size of Mars, this happened collision great since 4.6 billion years ago, and has resulted in this offense Gemayel, 
who shines our sky at night .

Sunrise and Sunset
Every day the moon shines in the east and takes a trip to the West, Like the sun and the rest of the stars that appear in the sky .
This happens because the earth rotates on its axis in the direction of the east, because the moon revolves around the earth full cycle every 29.5 days, the Sunrise Moon delayed by about 50 minutes a day. This may come evening, and we find that the moon had just shone, and sometimes it has reached to the middle of his journey in the sky and we are after daytime . 

Dark Side of the Moon
There is no dark side of the moon in fact, the moon's surface whole gets its share of sunlight, but there is a "well away" from the moon we can not be seen from the ground; because the moon facing us always generally one does not change, while the far side of it did not we can see it only after we send satellites to orbit around the moon and imagined us


The size of the moon about 27% of the size of the planet, and this makes the moon's gravity is about one-sixth of the attractiveness of our planet. If your weight 60 kg, on the ground, the weight is only 10 pounds on the moon, and it also means that if you dropped a stone and you're on the moon, it will fall more slowly like a slow fall photography .

Not spherically
Moon is not completely spherical, but it looks like an egg, One of the ends tapering more than the other, in addition to this, the mass of the moon's center of gravity is not quite at its center, but away from the center about two kilometers .


Moon also occur by earthquakes, but earthquakes are less severe than those that occur on the ground, and the cause of these earthquakes in the foundation is the force of attraction exerted by the earth on the moon. Sometimes occur cracks in the lunar soil at other times off gases from these cracks .

Grow up and sometimes getting smaller
Sometimes it is a small moon in the sky, and sometimes it is a huge impressive; This happens because the moon's orbit around the Earth elliptical, so the distance between him and the ground is not fixed. Closest distance approaching the Moon from Earth is 363 thousand kilometers, while the farthest distance is 405 thousand kilometers .

Moon causes a very remarkable phenomenon on the ground are displayed tide, this phenomenon occurs under the influence of the attractiveness of the moon, when the moon moves it attracts ocean water with him. Moon's gravity also lead to slow down the movement of the earth's rotation on its axis by what, this ratio is 1.5 milliseconds every century .

It flees away

Each year, more Moon departs from the ground, what happens is that it steals part of the energy of the earth's rotation on its axis and exploited to get away. Rate this away an estimated four centimeters per year
The researchers say that when the moon 4.6 billion years ago was away from the earth at about 22.5 thousand kilometers away, but it will take billions of years before they leave us and run away .

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